"If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you." (John 15:18-19)
What does Jesus mean by 'the world'?
"The world" is being translated from the Greek word κόσμος (kosmos). This Greek word means, according to Thayer's Lexicon, "an apt and harmonious arrangement or constitution, order, government;" "ornament, decoration, adornment;" "the world, the universe" as well as "the inhabitants of the earth, men, the human family;" and "the ungodly multitude; the whole mass of men alienated from God;" and "world affairs, the aggregate of things earthly."In this discussion with his closest disciples, Jesus is referring to the nature of society in this world.
Jesus mentions hate. Does the planet earth hate Jesus and his disciples? No.
Jesus refers to the nature of the inhabitants of the physical world. More specifically to people of a particular consciousness - people who are focused upon the trappings of the material world.
Why would the people of this world reject Jesus and his disciples? Because Jesus is teaching something that is opposed to the consciousness of many people of this world.
The consciousness of many people of this world is the consciousness of materialism. The concept that we are these physical bodies, and the things that feed the physical body, clothe the physical body, or otherwise surround the physical body will make us happy.
What does 'chosen you out of the world' mean?
The word "chosen" is being translated from the Greek word ἐκλέγομαι (eklegomai), which means being selected by virtue of fitness. Jesus is saying that he chose his disciples, not randomly, but because they illustrated that they were committed to following his teachings.But how does that take them out of the world so they do not "belong to the world"?
Because Jesus' teachings are spiritual. They are outside the realm of the material world and the physical body. They do not "belong" to the consciousness of materialism and self-centeredness.
But those of us who do "belong to the world" are wrapped up in the trappings of this world, including wealth, position, fame, acceptance by others and sensual pleasures.
The perfect example of 'the world' is the focus on material goodies represented at Christmastime as worshiping a rich fat man in a red suit and a tree surrounded by material things wrapped up to keep others tempted while partying and gorging.
Do we realize that this is participating in the very activities that Jesus opposed as we supposedly celebrate his appearance? Even the tree was rejected by early Christians because it was originally part of a pagan ritual.
Jesus is teaching that we belong in another world - the spiritual world. We are not these physical bodies. We are spiritual beings, and each of us has a loving caregiving relationship with the Supreme Being. We each have a unique servitude relationship with God, but we have forgotten that relationship.
We have forgotten that relationship because we became self-centered. This is the meaning of the parable of Adam eating the fruit. The fruit, remember, was from the "tree of knowledge of good and evil."
Jesus is teaching that we belong in another world - the spiritual world. We are not these physical bodies. We are spiritual beings, and each of us has a loving caregiving relationship with the Supreme Being. We each have a unique servitude relationship with God, but we have forgotten that relationship.
We have forgotten that relationship because we became self-centered. This is the meaning of the parable of Adam eating the fruit. The fruit, remember, was from the "tree of knowledge of good and evil."
The Hebrew for this phrase is more appropriately translated to the "knowledge of pleasure and pain."
Why is knowing pleasure and pain such a big deal? Because "knowing" these elements requires becoming self-centered. When a person is focused on themselves, they are focused upon their own pleasures and their own pains.
Once we chose self-centeredness over loving service to God we became under the jurisdiction of the mental and physical realm and given physical bodies. Due to our desires for self-enjoyment, we are now in the illusion that we are these physical bodies, and the things of this physical world will make us happy.
This is despite the fact that we can easily observe that even those who have the most of the things of this world - wealth, fame, attention, acceptance - are not satisfied. Even though these things are easily observed as not fulfilling, we still chase them.
That is illusion.
Everyone wants to love and serve someone. This is why we are perpetually seeking someone special to love. That perfect person to love is the Supreme Being.
If we are focused on developing our loving relationship with the Supreme Being, our entire consciousness changes. We might still be surrounded by material things - but we will not see them the same. We will see them as God's stuff, not stuff for our enjoyment. We will only see them as things to possibly employ in pleasing the Supreme Being.
This is confirmed by Jesus' most important instruction:
*Here is the translation of Jesus' statement from the Lost Gospels of Jesus:
Is this related to love?
Self-centeredness is diametrically opposed to love. In the spiritual world, everyone is loving the Supreme Being and His associates. They are focused on God's pleasure. When a person is focused on God's pleasure, they are not focused on their own pleasure - they are not self-centered.Once we chose self-centeredness over loving service to God we became under the jurisdiction of the mental and physical realm and given physical bodies. Due to our desires for self-enjoyment, we are now in the illusion that we are these physical bodies, and the things of this physical world will make us happy.
This is despite the fact that we can easily observe that even those who have the most of the things of this world - wealth, fame, attention, acceptance - are not satisfied. Even though these things are easily observed as not fulfilling, we still chase them.
That is illusion.
Can we get happiness here?
We need spiritual food. Spiritual happiness. This is the only thing that will make us truly fulfilled. Jesus stated this clearly:“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work." (John 4:34)And this is what Jesus was teaching. He was teaching that in order to become fulfilled we needed to change our consciousness from being centered around what will make me happy to centered around what will make God happy.
Everyone wants to love and serve someone. This is why we are perpetually seeking someone special to love. That perfect person to love is the Supreme Being.
If we are focused on developing our loving relationship with the Supreme Being, our entire consciousness changes. We might still be surrounded by material things - but we will not see them the same. We will see them as God's stuff, not stuff for our enjoyment. We will only see them as things to possibly employ in pleasing the Supreme Being.
This is confirmed by Jesus' most important instruction:
“ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment.” (Matt. 22:37-38)
*Here is the translation of Jesus' statement from the Lost Gospels of Jesus:
"If the material world hates you, you know it has hated me before you. If you were of the material world, the material world would love its own. But because you are not of the material world – because I chose you from the material world – because of this the material world hates you." (John 15:18-19)