"I am not possessed by a demon," said Jesus, "but I honor my Father and you dishonor me. I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is one who seeks it, and he is the judge. Very truly I tell you, whoever obeys my word will never see death." (John 8:49-51)
What is Jesus responding to?
This statement follows the institutional temple priests offensively stating to Jesus:"Aren't we right in saying that you are a Samaritan and demon-possessed?" (John 8:48)This is within an ongoing conversation where Jesus has criticized these Pharisees and temple priests. He has told them to their faces that they use their congregation for their own wealth, display their supposed religiosity in public, expect preferential treatment for their positions of authority, and commit other abuses of their positions with the temple.
Now they are lashing back at Jesus. They know he was neither a Samaritan nor possessed. They were simply blaspheming Jesus in an attempt to discredit him.
To blaspheme or dishonor Jesus is one of the worst things someone can do. Jesus came to the earth to give us the gift of love for God.
This offense of theirs, and Jesus' understanding of his position, is summed up in Jesus' simple and clear words as he defends himself. As he denies their accusation, he proclaims simply:
A person who venerates another does not keep it to themselves. They spread it around. They announce to others the great qualities of that person.
What is the position of someone who does these things? Does this mean that Jesus is God and he is glorifying himself? That would be preposterous. The words "my Father" clearly indicate Jesus is obviously honoring and glorifying someone other than himself.
This self-description by Jesus clearly indicates Jesus is God's loving servant. He is revering and venerating God, which means that he sees himself in a subservient position.
Such a teaching bears the question: How could God forget He was God? This would make God subject to forgetfulness, which would negate the very position of being God.
Furthermore, Jesus states clearly that he is not seeking his personal fame and glory. But he clarifies that the Supreme Being is:
Jesus was clearly identifying himself as God's loving, devoted servant, who has focused his life upon pleasing the Supreme Being God, in turn, has empowered Jesus as His representative, which gave Jesus his authority and power. This is stated clearly by Jesus elsewhere:
Many believe that seeing Jesus as God's loving servant is offensive, but rather, those who see and talk of Jesus as being anyone other than God's loving servant and representative are offending him, because they are not only misidentifying Jesus, but they are ignoring the loving relationship that existed between Jesus and the Supreme Being.
The bottom line is that it is not only offensive to consider Jesus a common man or blaspheme him otherwise as these institutional temple priests did. It is also offensive to create a fictional position of Jesus being the Supreme Being. This is offensive to both Jesus and the Supreme Being. Jesus confirms this when he said:
"I honor my Father and you dishonor me."The word "honor" here is translated from the Greek word, τιμάω (timaō), which means 'to revere or venerate.' Understood by the words, 'honor, revere and venerate' - τιμάω (timaō) is the activity of praising that person.
A person who venerates another does not keep it to themselves. They spread it around. They announce to others the great qualities of that person.
Is Jesus explaining his intentions?
We do not have to speculate about Jesus' intentions, because Jesus is describing himself and his purpose. He is dedicated to the Supreme Being. He is venerating God. He is honoring the Supreme Being. He is glorifying God.What is the position of someone who does these things? Does this mean that Jesus is God and he is glorifying himself? That would be preposterous. The words "my Father" clearly indicate Jesus is obviously honoring and glorifying someone other than himself.
This self-description by Jesus clearly indicates Jesus is God's loving servant. He is revering and venerating God, which means that he sees himself in a subservient position.
Did Jesus ever pose as God?
Jesus never posed to be God - as many gurus and other teachers do as they try to teach that we are all God but only they realize it and we don't so that's why they have to teach us.Such a teaching bears the question: How could God forget He was God? This would make God subject to forgetfulness, which would negate the very position of being God.
Furthermore, Jesus states clearly that he is not seeking his personal fame and glory. But he clarifies that the Supreme Being is:
"I am not seeking glory for myself; but there is One who seeks it, and He is the judge."This indicates a clear distinction between Jesus and God. One is serving the other. God is seeking our attention because He wants our love. He enjoys loving relationships. And Jesus is involved in a loving relationship with God.
Jesus was clearly identifying himself as God's loving, devoted servant, who has focused his life upon pleasing the Supreme Being God, in turn, has empowered Jesus as His representative, which gave Jesus his authority and power. This is stated clearly by Jesus elsewhere:
"By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just, for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me." (John 5:30)Thus we can know that Jesus was attempting to please the Supreme Being with his life. This is the aspect of Jesus' life that few recognize: That Jesus was God's loving servant and his activities were intended to please God. This makes Jesus God's loving servant.
Many believe that seeing Jesus as God's loving servant is offensive, but rather, those who see and talk of Jesus as being anyone other than God's loving servant and representative are offending him, because they are not only misidentifying Jesus, but they are ignoring the loving relationship that existed between Jesus and the Supreme Being.
The bottom line is that it is not only offensive to consider Jesus a common man or blaspheme him otherwise as these institutional temple priests did. It is also offensive to create a fictional position of Jesus being the Supreme Being. This is offensive to both Jesus and the Supreme Being. Jesus confirms this when he said:
"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?' Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'" (Matt. 7:21-23)"Away from me, you evildoers!" is a strong statement.
Why is this so strong?
Jesus is obviously offended by this activity of people putting him on a pedestal while forgetting his beloved Supreme Being. Jesus is very clear here.Even if a person may heal others and do other miracles in his name, and proclaim Jesus' greatness, if they do not accept Jesus' instruction of doing God's will, he wants no part of them.
This clearly indicates the loving relationship that exists between Jesus and the Supreme Being. Jesus does not see God as a burning bush, a vague cloud, or some impersonal force. He and God have a personal relationship. A relationship of love.
This clearly indicates the loving relationship that exists between Jesus and the Supreme Being. Jesus does not see God as a burning bush, a vague cloud, or some impersonal force. He and God have a personal relationship. A relationship of love.
This means there are two personalities: Jesus and God - yet they are unified by their love. There is a oneness between them because Jesus is wanting to please God. If we praise Jesus but ignore the Supreme Being, that offends Jesus. Why? Because he loves God. He venerates and reveres God.
Jesus also wants us to also venerate and honor God, and come to love Him and give our lives to the Supreme Being. This is confirmed by Jesus' primary teaching:
Jesus also wants us to also venerate and honor God, and come to love Him and give our lives to the Supreme Being. This is confirmed by Jesus' primary teaching:
“ ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment." (Matt. 22:37-38)